Setting Access Conditions

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Levels of Access Management

As the Data-rights holder you can decide how the access to your data is managed. There are three basic types of access management:

  • Open Access (the data can simply be downloaded from your Dataverse site)
  • ADA Managed (we grant or decline access based on rules set by you)
  • ADA Facilitated (we forward data requests to you and you let us know which to grant and which to decline)


Any data that is not Open Access needs to be requested. To request data, a user has to create an account on ADA Dataverse, select the required files and click the request button. This will open a form, we call a Guestbook. The Standard Guestbook contains the following questions:

- Name 
- Email 
- Institution or Organisation 
- Position 

- What is your primary intended use of this data?  
- If other uses, please indicate what other intended use you have for this data? 
- Please provide a short abstract summarising the intended use of the data 
- Please indicate the name and contact email of your supervisor (where applicable) 
- Are there any sources of funding supporting this research? 
- What are the intended publications and outputs that may feature this data? 

The data-rights holder can change and add guestbook questions. Based on the guestbook, the data-rights holder and the ADA agree on a set of Business rules.

Business rules

The Business rules are a set of rules about what to do with the replies to the Guestbook. For instance, if the Business rules state that a dataset is Open Recorded, then the ADA will simply check if the Guestbook has been completed and then grant access. On the other hand, the Business rules could also stipulate that only researchers from Australian universities are allowed to have access for example. How restricted the business rules are, usually depends on how sensitive the data is.