Mission & Scope

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The Australian Data Archive (ADA) provides a national service for the collection and preservation of digital research data; primarily in the domain of Social Science (Social, Political and Economic affairs), disseminating this data for secondary analysis by academic researchers and other users (ADA Collection Policy Mission Statement) [40].

The ADA is based in POLIS: The Centre for Social Policy Research, in the Research School of Social Sciences [17] at the Australian National University (ANU). ADA was established in 1981 with a mission to provide a national service for the collection and preservation of digital data relating to social, political and economic affairs and to make these data available for further analysis.

The mission statement is approved by the Director of the ADA, in consultation with the Director of POLIS and ADA stakeholders.


[17] The Centre for Social Policy Research (POLIS): https://csrm.cass.anu.edu.au/

[25] Mission & Scope – (https://docs.ada.edu.au/index.php/Mission_%26_Scope)

[40] ADA website: https://ada.edu.au/about-ada/