Collect and Prepare Supporting Documentation

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Revision as of 02:23, 16 January 2020 by Dahaddican (talk | contribs)
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It is important to provide sufficient supporting documentation for users in addition to the data files themselves. This will be helpful to a researcher in analysing and interpreting your data, helping to pass the reproducibility test and validating your initial findings.

Data Owners

In order to deposit data with the ADA under the Self-Deposit Process, Data Owners will need to collect all supporting and complementary documentation that is required to fully understand and analyse the data. This ensures that the dataset(s) are fit for depositing and subsequent publishing. To assist with this activity, the ADA have created a list of common Supporting Documentation to guide the Data Owners or their authorised representative.

ADA Staff

ADA Staff are not necessarily required to conduct any activity whilst the Data Owner is collecting their supporting and complementary documentation, however they are to support Data Owners in the event that they have issues in conducting any of the activities detailed in this section.

Noting that ADA Staff will be required to conduct checks on the submission at a later stage, interaction and support at this stage should therefore be minimised wherever possible unless it will make obvious savings downstream.